Week 13

Also this week i am on the negative side, but smaller than the last one.

I’m beginning to understand that my post flop game is far from good and although by now I’ve improved a lot my pre flop tactics i will have to work a lot on my post flop tactics in order to become profitable.

The results are -24.76$.

I also made an add on of 100$ in order to be able to keep playing 10 NL and lost some 6 $ at a few sng.

Bankroll=242.65-24.76+100-6=311.89 (31 buy in)11_2mar_8marHours played=10 with 3k hands. Apparently this is the number of hours i am able to play and it makes no sense in dreaming about 6-7k hands and 20h of play unless i am building a more strict schedule. So i decided to play such that i can keep silver star for now and established a target of 20 vpp per day which is comfortable.

As a conclusion for these last 13 weeks with ups and downs, i have a total loss of 94$ on 40k hands with -4.4 bb/100 and a rake of 220$. Apparently i am being beaten by the rake which is not good but not really bad neither. Also tacking into account that hopefully my level has increased in this time (i really feel it) and that i started playing without any strategy, i hope that after another 40k hands i can turn the page and come back with a positive result since my skills can only go up.

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